Het verhaal van Anjum uit Pakistan

Ik deel het onderstaande verhaal van een jonge predikant uit Pakistan. Christenen vormen daar een kleine minderheid. Ze worden beschouwd als tweederangsburgers, gediscrimineerd en onderdrukt. Er komt ook veel geweld tegen christenen voor. Als het bekend wordt dat een christen moslim wordt krijgt zo iemand het zwaar te verduren. Vrijwel alle christenen in Pakistan worden geconfronteerd met discriminatie, sociale druk en bedreigingen. Ze hebben vaak de slechtst betaalde banen. Velen van hen zijn arm of lijden onder dwangarbeid. Kerken die vanouds in Pakistan voorkomen, zijn nog enigszins vrij in hun activiteiten. Maar ze worden scherp in de gaten gehouden, en niet alleen door de overheid. De grootste bedreiging vormen radicale islamitische groeperingen.

In het afgelopen jaar zijn er geen aanslagen op kerken geweest. Andere vormen van geweld tegen christenen komen onverminderd veel voor. Christenen zijn daarom constant op hun hoede. Vaak zeggen ze maar niets over hun geloof, uit angst dat hun woorden worden uitgelegd als belediging van de islam. Een beschuldiging van godslastering kan leiden tot langdurige gevangenschap of de dood. Via facebook kwam ik in contact met Anjum Shahzad. Hij werd pastor maar heeft geen kerkelijke gemeente. Hieronder vinden jullie zijn bizarre verhaal. 

I Am telling you my story, which is based on reality

My troubles started from my mother’s womb,

When i was in my mother’s womb i had water with 

Me, after nine months i was born with a major 


Because i had been in the water for nine months 

in my mother’s womb, i had about an inch of hair 

All over my body.

the doctors told my father that a baby monkey 

had been born. the stomach water had gone into my lungs

in my mother womb,

My father was alone at three o’clock in the night 

carrying me on his arms and crying a broken heart 

he was crying in front of the doctors. some doctor 

save my son life, 

Because two of my siblings had died before i was born, 

my father and my mother believed in Jesus Christ 

and they referred me to the doctors 

for six days the doctor kept pumping water out 

Of my lungs my mother and my father kept crying 

and praying to God for my life 

few days later i was taken to my mother in the ward 

Now i had a beautiful face the lord brought me at the mouth of 


i grew up but when i was four years old my stomach  got 

bad i was admitted to the hospital where i had  another 

problem nurse give me the wrong injection which made me

very badly sick my condition became very bad i had stopped breathing 

and my mother lost her consciousness

the doctor tried so hard to save me, day and night.

after three days i regained consciousness.

My parents thanked to God, when God will nothing 

can happen to him 

then i grew up i was about twelve years old. 

i stopped obeying my parents because i was so sick 

i was reprimanded by my parents i forgot to 

respect them because of their kindness and love 

and i started to move towards bad society 

my friends nomadic and high class people and they 

took my life with them i  all day watching movies 

and drinking alcohol and sleeping home every time 

then going out with friends in the evening 

and hanging out with boys all night 

when i was 17 years old i started bothering my parents 

and hurting them and my sister crying and praying to God for me 

May God would change my brother Anjum but i don’t believe on God 

most of time i abuse God i never want to  became a Pastor, 

I always want to be a film hero when i grew up

I fulfilled my dreams and desire, i didn’t listen to anyone 

then all of a sudden things changed in my life 

my sister got sick, and after while she died 

and i could not forget her grief

there was no way no friend to come and see me 

i was starting to ask God please come in my life 

And give me comfort and change my life 

Just for the first time, i said that God on your way

i want to walk 

and God changed my life and i kept on praying 

and then i join Bible school i done my B T H three years 

and i starting Preaching the Gospel in peoples homes, 

i did not know how to Preach but God taught me

i always said God i can’t even speak but God said 

i am with you wherever you Go

i will be with you and you will speak 

 Many lives were healed,The childless had child 

the captives were freed those who were not in 

God, they give their lives to the Lord,

i would like to share 

many thing with you 

but if the Lord will i share with you 

Now i am Preaching the word of God

in a somebody house where many peoples

have healed and lives changed,

God is working in there lives 

But we need a church building

we don’t have so much money 

It’s a appeal to all my Christians 

Please help us financially so we 

Can build the church building 

of the Lord and many lives 

come to God and repent from their sins

and God word will be spread in there lives 

God bless you from Pastor Anjum Shahzad 

Lahore Pakistan,

Deze man heeft niet eens een bankrekening, maar misschien kunnen we hem toch helpen. Dit is zijn verhaal! Hij heeft in de eerste plaats ons gebed nodig. 

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